Now, more than ever, people need to hear the Gospel. We live in a world that is hurting and people need to know that God hears their prayers and wants to meet their needs. He is depending on His people to carry His message to the ends of the earth. Ministry is more rewarding than ever today but it is also more challenging. With the costs of everything going up and the economic pressures being experienced all over the country, ministries like ours are more dependent than ever on the gifts of brothers and sisters in Christ joining with us to meet these challenges. Your financial gift in any amount will be greatly appreciated and will go toward helping us to continue to spread God’s word through our music and our ministry.
You can make a donation via Pay-Pal by clicking on the button below or you can mail your donation to Eternal Vision Ministries / PO Box 70628 / Knoxville, TN 37938-0628.
Thank you so much!